Make a New Year’s Resolution: Follow the 7 “C’s” to Take Good Care of Your Feet!
Are you making any New Year’s resolutions? Most Americans do, but often we are unable to keep them for more than a week or two.
Here is a resolution that is simple to remember and keep – follow the 7 “C’s” for healthier feet in 2022:
- Check your feet every day for any damage or changes. Look for punctures, cuts, bruises, cracked skin or fungal infections. Use a mirror to see the soles of your feet.
- Clean feet every day in warm, soapy water and then dry carefully – especially between the toes.
- Calm achy feet and dry skin by smoothing on a rich foot cream or lotion every day. Not only does this feel wonderful, but preventing cracked skin can help protect against bacteria.
- Choose supportive, well-made and properly-fitted shoes. Toss shoes and boots that are too tight, too narrow or just plain worn out. Shop later in the day when feet are largest and always have your feet measured each time. Opt for lower-heeled shoes with lots of toe wiggle room.
- Combat fungal infections by keeping your feet clean and protected. Use shower shoes or flip-flops when in public areas like pools, showers and salons.
- Control your pedicures by vetting out the salon. Make sure that the business adheres to cleanliness and sanitary procedures and that current licenses are posted.
- Care for your feet by preventing foot fatigue and maintaining flexibility. You can do it with simple foot, ankle and toe stretching exercises.
Here’s the most important foot care resolution of all: Come visit us! Be sure to see your podiatrist at least once a year for a comprehensive foot exam. If you have diabetes, make your visits more frequent – we recommend every six months.
Happy New Year to you – and your feet!